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Email a Patient

How it works

Welcome to our online service to keep you in touch with friends and loved ones who are patients at Cookeville Regional. We are proud to offer you this unique service. To send a message, simply fill out the form below and click the Send button. See About Your Message below the form for more details.

Please remember to use the patient’s registered name. Nicknames make it difficult to determine the recipient of your message.

Sending a Message to a patient is unavailable at this time!
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Send a Message

About your message
Delivery – The Email a Patient service checks for messages between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Messages sent between those hours will be delivered the same day. Any messages received after 3:30 p.m. will be delivered the following weekday. Please note messages are not checked on the weekends or holidays. Acceptance of an email by this site does not indicate the recipient is now or was ever a patient at Cookeville Regional Medical Center. All undeliverable emails will be destroyed. There may also be delays in delivery for messages received during the holidays. Acceptance of an email by this site does not indicate that the intended recipient is now or was ever a patient at Cookeville Regional. All undeliverable emails will be destroyed.

Confidentiality – All messages received are handled confidentially. Upon receipt, your message will be printed, placed in a sealed envelope and delivered directly to the patient’s room. Any type of communication or message of a questionable nature (e.g., emails conducting personal business, containing questionable content or business/vendor solicitations) will not be delivered and will be deleted from the message center.
Responses – Please note that the service is set up only to receive messages. We cannot send outgoing replies to your message from the recipient.